As a Dallas Depuy Hip Recall Attorney, I am fielding many calls from concerned plaintiffs regarding their implanted DePuy ASR Metal on Metal Hip prosthesis. Many plaintiffs are understandably concerned, about what to do next once they receive a certified letter from their orthopedic doctor, allegedly ghost written by DePuy.…
Articles Posted in Toxic Injury
Benzene Air Pollutant Linked to Spina Bifida Birth Defect
As a Fort Worth Benzene Lawsuit Attorney, I have been writing over the past month a series of stories on the Environment and Toxicity. According to a new study, mothers who live in Texas neighborhoods with higher levels of benzene, a pollutant from refineries and tailpipes, are more likely to…
Chromium and Cobalt Poisoning With DePuy ASR Hips
As a Dallas DePuy Recall attorney I am concern about the risks of Cobalt and Chromium poisoning, resulting from the metal on metal grinding of the DePuy ASR Prosthetic Hips. In August of this year, DePuy Orthopaedics Inc., recalled the ASR metal-on-metal hip replacement system, admitting that about one out…
DePuy Hip ASR And Metallosis
As a Fort Worth DePuy Hip Product Liability attorney I took an interesting potential client inquiry. The woman had hip replacement and she has noticed that her hair is falling out in clumps, suggesting toxic metal ion poisoning., which is described below. DePuy XL ASR Prosthetic Hips are unique, in…
Fort Worth Artificial Hip With DePuy ASR Replacement?
Today as a Fort Worth DePuy ASR Hip Lawsuit attorney, I took in a case for DePuy ASR product liability lawsuits that we are filing. Johnson and Johnson acknowledged in August, with the withdrawal from the market their artificial hips, that there are problems with high failure rates, metal on…
Fort Worth Texas Benzene Lawsuit Attorney
Not a day goes by when one reads of a story of an accidental oil and gas spillage or leakage into the ground, our water ways or the ocean. The BP Oil Spill is one major example. All over the United States, on a daily basis there are folks who…
When Dangerous Drugs Happen to Good People: Drug Product Liability Attorney
We are the Fort Worth Texas Fosamax Product Liability Attorney Dr. Shezad Malik. The FDA found that in some cases two types of drugs that were supposed to be preventing serious medical problems were, in fact, causing them. Bisphosphonates like Fosamax, Actonel and Boniva, will now have to carry labels…
Dallas Benzene Leukemia Attorney
As a Dallas Benzene Leukemia Attorney I have followed the news surrounding the oil and gas extraction from the Barnett Shale. The gas companies are releasing untold amounts of Benzene into the atmosphere and polluting the ground water. Folks, wake up and smell the roses. We have only one Texas…
The Fort Worth Personal Injury Seige Continues
The personal injury sage continues. As a Fort Worth Personal Injury attorney I am writing this blog to hopefully provide insight to my readers, about the law works with its byzantine rules and regulations. The Law and its practical applications are murky at best and we as lawyers have developed…
Dallas Fort Worth Construction Sites Can Lead to Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries
According to OSHA, 4,340 workers died on the job in 2009. “With every one of these fatalities, the lives of a worker’s family members were shattered and forever changed. We can’t forget that fact.” -Hilda Solis, Secretary of Labor Poorly Managed Construction Sites Are Dangerous. Construction site injuries include: *…