Articles Posted in Wrongful Death


Firm to Pay $52.4M in Minneapolis Bridge Collapse

Victims of the deadly 2007 Minneapolis Interstate 35W bridge collapse reached the end of their legal fight after an engineering firm agreed to pay $52.4 million to settle scores of lawsuits. The settlement by San Francisco-based URS Corp. resolves the last major piece of litigation brought by victims. All told,…


Witnesses Raise Questions About Death at Fort Worth Hospital Pharmacy

John Peter Smith Hospital (Ft Worth) officials will review the medical response to a man who collapsed and died in the hospital pharmacy after witnesses complained that help was slow to arrive and that emergency equipment did not appear to work properly. Jeff Dickerson, who was picking up a prescription…


Texas Medical Update: Stevens Johnson Syndrome

Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS) is an extremely rare disorder characterized by a severe skin reaction to medication Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS) is a rare but serious and potentially life-threatening condition. SJS is defined as a hypersensitivity disorder affecting the skin and mucous membranes. The most severe form of Stevens Johnson…


Texas CEQ Report Accuses BP in Texas City Refinery Explosion.

The AP (8/4) reported, “A BP Texas City refinery that was the site of a massive 2005 explosion that killed 15 workers has a pattern of poor operation and maintenance practices, Texas environmental regulators reported after investigating a 46-day release of toxic and cancer-causing chemicals from the plant this spring.…


Residents Suspect Cancer Cluster Near Fort Detrick, MD.

In a column in the Washington Post (8/6), Petula Dvorak writes, “Over their fences, at community picnics but mostly at funerals, the people of one Frederick neighborhood near Fort Detrick wondered whether it was just a horrible coincidence that so many of them had cancer.” They “immediately looked to their…


Yaz Texas Update: Bayer’s Yaz Birth Control Lawsuits Now at 2,000

Bayer drug companies have produced more than 10 million pages of documents to women suing over oral contraceptives Yasmin and Yaz. U.S. District Judge David Herndon, is handling about 2,000 Yasmin and Yaz suits from around the nation, and he has posted an order on July 9, reminding plaintiffs of…

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