
Ethicon Gynecare Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits

As a Texas medical doctor and Ethicon Gynecare Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuit attorney, I am providing this important update regarding the New Jersey litigation involving these products.

Several hundred patients have filed a transvaginal mesh defective product lawsuit in New Jersey state court against Ethicon, Inc. and Johnson & Johnson over side effects from their Gynecare mesh products. Gynecare mesh products are used for treatment of pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence.

Women filed these lawsuits, received Gynecare Prolift mesh, Gynecare Gynemesh, Gynecare Prolene mesh, Gynecare TVT sling or another pelvic mesh product manufactured by Ethicon, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson.

These transvaginal mesh products are used strengthen damaged tissue, to repair pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and female stress urinary incontinence (SUI). These products were marketed as a safe and effective alternative to traditional surgical procedures, and women allege that Ethicon Gyncare mesh problems caused them to experience pelvic pain, infections, urinary problems, erosion of the mesh and other complications.

All of the Ethicon Gynecare mesh lawsuits filed in New Jersey state court are centralized for pretrial proceedings before Judge Higbee in Atlantic County. According to court information, there are now about 500 cases that have been filed.

The lawsuits claim that Johnson & Johnson knew the products were unreasonably dangerous, but continued to manufacture and sell them. Other a;;egations iclude manufacturing a defective product, negligence, failure to warn, strict liability and fraud.

According to a study in the Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, researchers concluded that there was a high rate of vaginal mesh failure with Gynecare Prolift mesh, while providing no difference in cure rates.

Earlier, the FDA issued a warning about the risk of problems from transvaginal mesh when used for pelvic organ prolapse, indicating that the agency was unable to find any significant benefit for the products over other available means of treatment.

In addition to Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon mesh products, problems have also been associated with transvaginal mesh sold by American Medical Systems (AMS), Boston Scientific, C.R. Bard and other companies.

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