
Dallas Fort Worth Injury Lawyer Blog


Dallas Fort Worth Texas Slip and Fall Premises Liability Attorney

Premises liability cases cover a wide range of situations in which people are injured or suffer a wrongful death on a commercial or residential property. Slip and fall injuries such as back, hip or spine injuries when a customer slips on a wet floor that lacks signage to warn customers…


Daughter Awarded $3 M After Death of Mom Who Had Do-Not-Resuscitate Order

Janie Vinson was apparently so ill with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that the 79-year-old woman’s family told the medical staff at Albany, Ga.’s Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital not to try to cure her, but to simply keep her comfortable until she died. A Dougherty County jury awarded her daughter $3…


Miami Woman who Sued Employer Over Jury Duty is Awarded $150,K

A Miami-Dade jury, sworn to exercise its civic duty, awarded security guard Jackalyn Strachan $150,000 in damages — for exercising her same civic duty. The six-person jury found that Miami security firm Hall Investigation Service wrongfully denied wages and fired Strachan for serving as a juror in a murder trial…


Florida Man Paralyzed in Motor Veicle Accident Awarded $44.9 M

A Lee County jury awarded $44.9 million to a Cape Coral man who was paralyzed in a 2006 motor vehicle accident. The verdict, one of the largest in the county’s history, was awarded to Gerald Aloia. Aloia was riding on his motorcycle on Oct. 22, 2006, when he was struck…


Man Hurt by Falling Tree Limb in NY Central Park

A 33-year-old man who suffered brain and spinal injuries in July when a heavy limb fell from a tree in Central Park and struck him has sued the city and the Central Park Conservancy for negligence. The man, Mr. Goldensohn, a computer scientist who works for Google, remains hospitalized from…


Fort Worth Texas Yaz Yasmin Birth Control Lawsuit Update

After 13 hours of intensifying pain, two trips to the emergency room and two CT scans, doctors finally found what was ailing Lottie Green. In her left lung, the pulmonologist told her, was the largest blood clot they had ever seen and there were others in her right lung as…


FDA Review Says MRI Imaging Drugs That Contain Gadolinium Riskier for Kidney Patients

The U.S. Food & Drug Administration is weighing further regulation of three drugs used to create high-contrast images on MRI scans, based on a new analysis that suggests they carry a higher risk of causing a rare, but potentially fatal disease. The issue, marks a setback for GE Healthcare (GE),…


Public Citizen Asks FDA to Ban Weight Loss Pill

A consumer advocacy group is petitioning the government to ban the weight loss pill Meridia because a recent study suggests it increases risk of heart attack, stroke and death. A letter Thursday from Public Citizen calls on the Food and Drug Administration to pull Abbott Laboratories’ drug from the U.S.…

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