
Dallas Fort Worth Injury Lawyer Blog


KTLA: Yaz, Yasmin Birth Control Users Report Serious Problems

KTLA TV in Los Angeles just ran an investigation and news article into Yaz and Yasmin side effects that folks may be interesting in watching. Click here for the link. Read the full article here. The Dr Shezad Malik is working closely with Gabriel Zambrano, one of the attorneys interviewed…


Cedars-Sinai Finds More Patients Exposed to Excess Radiation

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center officials said that 260 patients had been exposed to high doses of radiation during CT brain scans during an 18-month period, up from the hospital’s original estimate of 206 in September. A review by the hospital also found that about 20% of the patients received exposure directly…


Data From Studies of Pfizer Neurontin Drug May Have Been Altered

Researchers say trials of Pfizer Inc.’s Neurontin epilepsy treatment for uses that were not yet approved may have been altered to emphasize favorable results. Comparisons of internal company documents with published data from 12 clinical trials found inconsistencies between data that made it into the medical journals and findings from…


Pa Lawsuit Says Gas Drilling Polluted Ground Water

A Pennsylvania landowner is suing an energy company for polluting his soil and water by a natural gas drilling technique. George Zimmermann, the owner of 480 acres in Washington County, southwest Pennsylvania, says Atlas Energy Inc. ruined his land with toxic chemicals used in or released there by hydraulic fracturing.…


Toyota Lawsuits by Consumers Over Sudden Acceleration of Vehicles

– Toyota Motor Corp. has failed to correct a problem with the throttle control system on some of its vehicles, causing them to suddenly accelerate, lawyers for consumers said in a lawsuit. Los Angeles residents Seong Bae Choi and Chris Chan Park, who claim they experienced multiple instances of unintended…


Dallas Texas Yaz Update: Mass Tort Status for Suits Over Yaz, Yasmin

The New Jersey judiciary is considering a request from Passaic County judge for mass tort status for suits alleging strokes and other serious health problems from the oral contraceptives Yaz, Yasmin and Ocella. With 13 suits filed in his court, Assignment Judge Donald Volkert Jr. wrote to Acting Administrative Director…


FDA: All-Natural Sex Pill Contains Viagra Chemical

The US food and drug safety watchdog warned that an over-the-counter men’s sex aid, labeled as all-natural, contains a chemical similar to the active ingredient in Viagra and could be dangerous. Stiff Nights, a product marketed as a dietary supplement for sexual enhancement, contains an ingredient that can dangerously lower…


CPSC finds Chinese Drywall has High Levels of Sulfur and Strontium.

Federal investigators reported that imported Chinese drywall that homeowners have linked to health problems and odors had higher levels of some chemicals than its domestic counterparts. The investigators, however, were unable to link the chemicals, sulfur and strontium, to the health problems and smells in thousands of homes built during…


Jury Awards $16.6 M for Mom’s Wrongful death in Radio Contest

A Sacramento jury set an eye-popping standard on the cost of radio station contests that kill and the resulting loss of a mother’s love and a wife’s companionship. The tab for Entercom Sacramento LLC came to $16,577,118 in the water-intoxication death of Jennifer Lea Strange in a contest put on…

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