
Dallas Fort Worth Injury Lawyer Blog


Plavix MDL Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Pupura Lawsuits

As a Texas cardiologist and Defective Drug Product Liability attorney, I am providing this update for patients who have been injured by the use of Plavix, including excessive bleeding, hemorrhage and death. Federal New Jersey Plavix MDL The U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) has centralized all Plavix lawsuits…


Byetta Thyroid Cancer Claim Against Amylin & Eli Lilly

As a Byetta/Januvia/Victoza Thyroid and Pancreatic Cancer attorney and a Texas medical doctor, I am providing this litigation update regarding Incretic Mimetics lawsuits. A 23 year old woman has filed a product liability lawsuit against Amylin Pharmaceuticals and Eli Lilly & Co., claiming that she developed thyroid cancer from side…


Actos Bladder Cancer Cases Passes 1,500 Mark

As an Actos Bladder Cancer attorney and product liability attorney, I am providing this update to the current Actos litigation. According to recent court documents, more than 1,500 Actos bladder cancer federal lawsuits have been filed against Takeda Pharmaceuticals in the Western District of Louisiana. What is Actos’ Risk? Actos…


Tylenol Liver Injury Lawsuits Making Headway

According to legal experts there are more than 100 Tylenol (acetaminophen) liver damage and liver failure cases pending in state and federal courts across the nation. In April, the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation established consolidated proceedings for all federal Tylenol lawsuits. The JPML ordered the transfer of 27…

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