California Stryker LFIT V40 Hip Implant Failure. Larry Schneider from California recently filed a product liability and personal injury claim in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.

California Stryker LFIT V40 Hip Implant Failure. Stryker LFIT V40 Hip Implants under fire over its line of metal hip devices causing metal poisoning, pseudotumors and catastrophic failure.
According to Schneider, in his California Stryker LFIT V40 Hip Implant Failure lawsuit, the Stryker LFit v40 femoral head and Accolade TMZF femoral stem hip components were defective and unreasonably dangerous when used together.
California Stryker LFIT V40 Hip Implant Failure
Schneider received a left total hip replacement in 2007, with a Stryker Trident Acetabular Shell, an Accolade TMZF femoral stem, and LFIT Anatomical V40 Femoral Head. In late 2014, his Stryker hip implant failed catastrophically when the femoral head dislocated from the trunnion and he had developed severe metallosis from metallic debris.
Schneider had to undergo painful revision surgery to remove the cobalt chrome femoral head and the Accolade stem.
Stryker LFIT V40 Hip Recall 2016
A Stryker LFit v40 hip recall was announced in 2016 by Howmedica Osteonics Corp., and its subsidiary Stryker Orthopaedics, involving certain large-diameter femoral heads sold before 2011.
Stryker LFIT V40 Hip Implant Failure Linked to Mixed Metals
Stryker Orthopedics under fire over its failing line of metal on metal hips involving the LFIT V40 components.
Stryker announced the recall after many reports of taper lock failures with the cobalt-chromium femoral heads, which can cause spontaneous dislocations and metallosis complications.
At that time, Stryker admitted to a significant number of patients who were injured by trunnion failure, metal wear, adverse tissue reactions and other complications.
The problems in the current litigation relate only to cobalt chromium heads combined with the titanium stems. The mixed metal can “fret” and corrode over time with the repeated motion of the hip.
This metal head is an interchangeable “ball” component for total hip replacements that can be connected to several Stryker metal hip stems, including the Accolade TMZF, Accolade 2, Meridian, and Citation models.
Stryker recalled over 42,500 metal hip implants because a metal part that connects the hip to the femur can develop severe metal corrosion, loosen, and dislocate, a side effect known as “taper lock failure” that always needs painful revision surgery.
What is Metal Corrosion?
Since the metal hip implants are made from dissimilar metal alloys, metal corrosion like rust could be a devastating problem with metal hip implants. Metal debris in the hip joint causes pain, local inflammation leading to soft-tissue growths called pseudotumors, and get into the bloodstream causing metallosis or metal poisoning with cobalt and chromium.
Stryker LFit V40 Lawsuits
All federally-filed Stryker LFit V40 hip lawsuits were consolidated in April before U.S. District Judge Indira Talwani in the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts.
The New Jersey Supreme Court has recently designated all cases involving Stryker LFit Cobalt Chromium V40 Femoral Heads as part of a multicounty litigation (MCL), which will be centralized before Superior Court Judge Rachelle Harz in Bergen County. Howmedica Osteonics Corp., and its subsidiary Stryker Orthopaedics, re headquartered in New Jersey.
Injured by a failed Stryker Metal Hip?
If you think you may have a Stryker V40 Head or a Stryker Accolade TMZF stem and are experiencing pain caused by metal corrosion or have suffered a spontaneous dissociation requiring full revision and emergency care, please call Dr. Shezad Malik Law Firm at 214-390-3189.