Not a day goes by when one reads of a story of an accidental oil and gas spillage or leakage into the ground, our water ways or the ocean. The BP Oil Spill is one major example. All over the United States, on a daily basis there are folks who are getting exposed to toxic chemicals.
As a Fort Worth Benzene Lawsuit attorney, my job is to provide to the public education, knowledge and help to help folks who have been exposed to these toxic chemicals. I hope to write a series of blog articles to highlight the various poisons that we are releasing, knowingly or accidentally into our environment.
The first is on Benzene Toxic Exposure.
Benzene is a known carcinogen in humans and causes cancer. Breathing benzene vapors can cause immediate death and chronic exposure to Benzene causes various forms of leukemia, especially Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML).
Dr Shezad Malik law firm has expertise in occupational and environmental Benzene exposure litigation.
If you or a loved one have been exposed to Benzene and developed leukemia, you should contact us immediately. You may be entitled to compensation and we can help.
Benzene is a highly flammable colorless liquid, and Benzene occurs naturally in crude oil, gasoline, and a component in many industrial and consumer products.
Benzene is commonly found in: asphalts, charcoal lighter fluid, cigarette lighter fluid, gasoline, glues, kerosene, hydraulic fluids, inks and ink markers, lacquer thinner, rubber cement, solvents, and vinyl thinners among others.
Many industrial workers are at risk for occupational exposure to this carcinogen. These include benzene production (petrochemicals, petroleum refining, and coke/coal chemical manufacturing), tire manufacturing, the printing industry, and storage or transport of benzene and petroleum products containing benzene to name some examples.
Other industrial workers at risk for exposure include those in the rubber industry, pesticides production, solvent production, paint/varnish production, waste management, oil refineries, chemical plants, leather manufacturers, petroleum processing industries, printers, and gas station employees.As you can see from these lists, Benzene is widely used in many industrial processes and frequent occupational exposure can occur.
There have been many instances of Environmental Exposure including Industrial discharge, disposal of products containing benzene, and gasoline leaks from underground storage tanks that have released benzene into our soil and water supplies.
There are Acute (short-term) and Chronic (long-term) side effects to a person being exposed to the chemical. Benzene has been linked to:
* Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML)
* Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
* Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
* Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
* Myelofibrosis and Myeloid Metaplasia
* Aplastic Anemia
* Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)
* Hairy Cell Leukemia
* Multiple Myeloma
* Thrombocytopenic Purpura
* Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML)
* Hematologic Cancers
The Dr Shezad Malik law firm focuses on the representation of plaintiffs in Benzene lawsuits. We are handling individual and group litigation nationwide and currently accepting new Benzene cases in all 50 states.