Can You Die From Januvia Pancreatic Cancer? The short answer is; it depends. Some 25 to 30 million people in the United States have diabetes, and 80 million folks have medical condition known as pre diabetes.
And the numbers are increasing slowly but surely. And Type 2 or adult onset diabetes is generally considered a man made problem (excluding Type 1 diabetes which occurs in childhood and usually as a result of genetic factors, autoimmune disease and or environmental problems).
Januvia is a drug manufactured by Merck, and it is used to treat adults with type-2 diabetes. In September 25, 2009 the FDA issued a revision to the warning label of the drug Januvia or Janumet, a combination drug comprised of Januvia and Metformin, regarding Januvia side effects, including Januvia pancreatic cancer and Januvia thyroid cancer.