Profemur Hip Implant Fracture. Today I am going to discuss the sad state of affairs regarding Profemur metal-on-metal (MoM) hips, the early failure, and the need for painful and costly revision surgery.

Metal on Metal hip implants fail prematurely at a high rate and may need a revision surgery to correct. Injured? Call Dr. Shezad Malik at 214-390-3189
The focus of this piece is on Wright’s line of Profemur hips which continue to fracture at an alarming rate. The Wright Profemur Total Hip System is a modular implant, consisting of a femoral stem, a modular neck, and a femoral head, connected to a metal acetabular cup.
Hip Implants are a Big Business
Hip replacement is big business and the major orthopedic manufacturers all want a piece of this lucrative pie. In the early 2000s, there was a rush to market of inadequately tested MoM implants. The MoM implants were the result of an innovative idea that assumed that MoM hip implants to be longer lasting than traditional hip implants. Reality in real life did not match expectations. Continue reading